Dr. Clarissa West-White Receives the Key West Literary Seminar Teacher & Librarian Scholarship


Congratulations Dr. Clarissa West-White!

Dr. White was recently selected by Key West Literary Seminar as one of the top 20 recipients for the Teacher & Librarian Scholarship to attend the annual seminar in January 2020. 

Dr. White is a reference librarian and instructor at B-CU. She teaches online composition courses, manages the library newsletter, creates libguides, and crafts programming for faculty and students. She plans to create a readers advisory libguide on the confluence of sports and literature to assist faculty in selecting works that may pique the interest of all students. She is married and has two sons. 

Hail Wildcats! Click here to see the full story - https://mailchi.mp/kwls.org/vy81os6p7x?e=7d89660f13

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