Bethune-Cookman University’s School of Hospitality Management and the School Board of Volusia County Partner To Provide Career Pathway Programs for High School Students
Left to Right: Mr. Ruben Colon VCPS Board Member, Rachel Rutledge- CTE Coordinator, Mrs. Ida Wright VCPS Chairman, Ms. Jamie Haynes VCPS Board Member, Mr. Carl Persis VCPS Board Member , Mrs. Arlene Garrick – Program Coordinator BBSHM, Dr. Helena Walrond B-CU Sr. VP & Provost, Dr. Ronald Scott Fritz- VCPS Superintendent, Mrs. Linda Cuthbert VCPS Vice Chairman, and Dr. Deanne Williams-Bryant Dean of BBSHM
DAYTONA BEACH, FL- On Tuesday, February 11, 2020, the School Board of Volusia County and Bethune-Cookman University’s Bob Billingslea School of Hospitality Management (BBSHM) signed a partnership agreement to provide career preparation and acceleration opportunities for Volusia County Public secondary school students in Career Technical programs. Students selected for the program must be identified as a Career Technical Education student by Volusia County Public Schools, defined as a student in an articulated sequenced Career and Technical (CTE) program; (In this case Hospitality Management or Culinary), which leads to a postsecondary degree or certificate.
The partnership agreement will award college credit at no cost to Volusia County Public School students who have studied and passed, certain specified CTE classes in their high school curriculum. Students must pass the high school courses identified in the CTE Career Technical Program of study within the career and technical program with a minimum G.P.A. of 3.0, equivalent to a "B" letter grade average.
Upon acceptance and enrollment in the Hospitality Management major (BBSHM) at B-CU, the students have the ability to earn a maximum of 10 college credits towards a degree in the major. The objective is to provide greater access, options and educational service opportunities for secondary students transitioning into post-secondary institutions.
“The Hospitality & Tourism Management high school program aligns well with the Hospitality Management program at Bethune-Cookman University. The Career and Technical Education (CTE) department is excited to continue to align local postsecondary options to our students in the hospitality field,” said Rachel Rutledge VCS CTE Coordinator, who was very instrumental in brokering the partnership.
Additionally, if the student has taken and passed an approved industry certification applicable to the college course content, the college assessment may be waived upon submission of proof of the earned industry certification.
This partnership between the two entities, will be a “game changer,” stated Dr. Deanne Williams-Bryant, Dean of the Bob Billingslea School of Hospitality Management. “A long time in the making, the expectation is that this MOU will help to bridge the gap between secondary education and higher education and open the doors to the wide array of opportunities and lucrative career pathways available in the hospitality industry, in the burgeoning tourism region of Florida," she explained. "Ultimately other disciplines at B-CU will use this as a template to motivate local students to take advantage of the wealth of innovative educational opportunities offered by the university."
Eligibility to attend B-CU includes meeting the regular B-CU admission and enrollment requirements and candidates must enroll and attend B-CU within two (2) years after high school graduation in order to receive credit earned.
“We have a long-standing relationship with Volusia County Public Schools and to extend that through this partnership is really exciting. My congratulations to Dean Williams-Bryant and her staff and our counterparts at the district for their hard work and dedication to ensure that students have opportunities and choices to pursue their dreams and aspirations,” said Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost, Dr. Helena Mariella-Walrond.
For more information please contact, VCPS CTE Coordinator Rachel Rutledge at, 386-734-7190, the Bob Billingslea School of Hospitality Management, Dr. Deanne Williams-Bryant at, 386-481-2873 or Arlene Garrick, 386-481-2874.