Bishop Cornelius and Dorothye Henderson School of Religion at Bethune-Cookman University Receives Nearly $300,000 from Lilly Endowment Inc. to Sustain Youth Theological Exploration Program


The Bishop Cornelius and Dorothye Henderson School of Religion at Bethune-Cookman University is pleased to announce the receipt of nearly $300,000 from Lilly Endowment Inc. This prestigious grant is being matched by the University to support the continuation of Exploring Gifts and Graces: Summer Adventure in Theology and Leadership (EGG).  This program is a bold new strategy for reaching out to high school youth and supporting their exploration of ministry, theological learning, and vocational choices in church ministry and religious leadership.  EGG was launched with initial funding in 2015 from Lilly Endowment Inc. through its national initiative, High School Youth Theology Institutes at Colleges and Universities.

The EGG Program, now in its fifth year,is a nine-day, residential summer experience for high school juniors and seniors from all over Florida to explore their faith, learn more about themselves, and to think deeply about their dreams, their goals, and their gifts. It offers students the opportunity to build friendships, participate in community service projects, and gain leadership skills. 

This past summer, 50 high school juniors and seniors lived and studied on the BCU campus. They had the opportunity to explore Biblical scriptures, theology, and vocation through a series of classes: four classes on Bible gave students an orientation to reading scripture; four classes on theology introduced students to the field of theology and its relevance to contemporary challenges; four classes on Christian Vocation began with an inventory of students’ own spiritual gifts and related their interests and personalities to future possibilities in Christian ministry. These classes gave the participants a “taste of college” as well as an introduction to Christian studies.  

Art workshops provided opportunities for participants to explore their talents and, at the same time, think about the possible theological and liturgical connections. An all-day adventure and zip-line course taught lessons about leadership, cooperation, and team-building. A few activities, of course, like the trip to the arcade, the pool party, and the indoor trampoline park, were important just for having fun and building friendships. 

The program provided three opportunities for participants to worship together.  The first was a chapel service produced and preached by the BCU student ambassadors for the program.  A second opportunity was a praise and worship concert led by a BCU alumnus and his band.  This was a particularly powerful and emotional event that many participants felt to be life-changing.  The third worship occasion was the chapel service put together and performed by the EGG participants themselves.  Vocal music, spoken word and dramatic performances, liturgical dance, and beautiful painted banners all combined to make this final event of the week a memorable one for participants and their families. Many parents were amazed to see that their children could sing, or dance, or act – talents they had never shown before.

EGG participants have a reunion every fall at a retreat center nearby.  The event, called “On Eagles’ Wings” allows everyone to witness to the outcome of the program.  Participants discuss their experiences, personal growth, and spiritual maturity that have continued to develop since the summer camp.

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In December, the 2020 EGG program will begin to recruit B-CU students to serve as ambassadors/camp counselors for the program.  Sixteen ambassadors will train throughout the spring semester to get ready for the arrival of new EGG participants in July.  

For more information about the 2020 summer program (July 11-19, 2020) please contact Dr. Deborah Henson Governor at 386-481-2772 or

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